Course of Electrical Engineering


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1. 3rd sem elect syllabus
2. 4th sem elect syllabus
3. 5th sem elect syllabus
4. 6th sem elect syllabus


The candidates must have passed HSC examination or equivalent examination with minimum 35% mark and 30% mark in each subject with English, Math & Science subjects.

Intake Capacity :60
T.F.W: 03
Lateral :12
Total Seats: 75


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4th Sem
1. Digital Electronics
2. Instrumentation & Control
3. Generation Transmission & Distribution
4. Electrical Measurement & Measuring Instrument
5. Energy Conversion-I
6. Digital Electronics-Lab
7. Electrical Lab Practice-I
8. Mechanical Workshop Practice
6th Sem
1. Control System Engineering
2. Electrical Installation & Estimating/td>
3. Entrepreneurship & Management
4. Switch Gear And Protective Devices
5. Utilization Of Electrical Energy And Traction
6. Electrical Works Practice
7. Matlab


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4th Sem
1. Digital Electronics
2. Electical Meausrement & Measuring Instrument
3. Energy Conversion-I
4. Generation Transmission And Distibution
5. Instumentation And Control
6th Sem
1. Control System Engineering
2. Electrical Installation And Estimating
3. Enterpreneureship And Management
4. Swich Gear And Protective Devices
5. Utilization Of Electrical Energy And Traction

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